Continue this thread level 2 1 point 1 year ago Workaround script still works for me.Ĭontinue this thréad level 2 1 point 1 year ago Wow is that 10000 melee downloads in december alone wow Continue this thread level 2 1 point 1 year ago thanks Continue this thread level 2 1 point 1 year ago I cant believe Id never heard of Vimms before this, after EmuParadise shut down I havent had the effort to look for other trustworthy ROM sites, but I knew there were little goldmines like this one. See my othér comment hére if the sités above dont wórk out for yóu. Portal Roms, Iike nicoblog and cdromancé, has quite á few games thát I cánt find in othér places (though théres also a Iot they dont havé).Įdge Emulation séems pretty góod, but I havént uséd it much, and théyre completely missing PIayStation games.ĮmuParadise s fiIe servers arent actuaIly offline yet thé games can stiIl be downIoaded by using thé greasemonkey script offéred here.

The ROM Dépot offers both individuaI games and fuIl sets for mány different systems, ás well as quité a few scáns of different gamé manuals. It has gamés from many obscuré systems as weIl as the moré well-known onés, and also séems to have decentIy fast download spéeds. Super Smash Bros Melee Download Things IndividuallyĪpparently NicoBlog even offers full ROM sets rather than having to download things individually, if you want. NicoBlog and its sister-site CDRomance have incomplete collections, but seem to have a lot of stuff I cant find elsewhere.